
“IL RITORNO DI ANDREA”, by Mirella De Paris and Claudio Condolf.


Award in the category
radio documentaries for
the originality of the point of
observation in relation
to the evoked event, for the
rigor of construction and for
the effectiveness of narrative development.

The jury of the “2005 RSI Award” chaired by Claudio Generali, president of CORSI, and which included the television critic Aldo Grasso, the musicologist Carlo Piccardi, the editor-in-chief of Radio 24 Alessandra Scaglioni, the director of Radio Fiume Ticino Oscar Acciari, the professor of radio communication at USI Ruth Hunberbühler and the representative of the Council of the Audience Marco Tognola, awarded the prize for the “Radio documentaries” category to Mirella De Paris and Claudio Condolf for the documentary “The return of Andrea”, with the motivation: “For the originality of the observation point in relation to the evoked event, for the rigor of the construction and for the effectiveness of the narrative development”

The evoked event is the sadly known crime of Ponte Capriasca of 3 December 2002: a tremendous story, told many times in news reports, taken up by Mirella De Paris and Claudio Condolf with a different, less chronical and much more human approach. to discover the soul and feelings of those who lived those events in different ways.

The documentary fully convinced the jury, which instead failed to identify an equally convincing work for the Entertainment category. While noting the presence of appreciable contributions, the jury did not find sufficient innovative ideas to achieve a complete realization. The jury examined the 34 competing works and for the Documentary category, in addition to the award-winning one, reported: Mont Ventoux by Paolo Guglielmoni, Beyond the sea by Tiziano Bovini and Il God da Tamangur a walk in the Romansh wood by Doris Lucini and Raniero Fratini. For the Entertainment category: Three rooms by Chiara Zocchi, Christian Gilardi and Zeno Gabaglio, Freak wars by Flavio Sala and Ottavio Panzeri and the photo album by Feo Del Maffeo.

The “RSI Award”, which since 2001 has collected the glorious legacy of the “Canevascini Award”, will close on December 16th with the official award ceremony at the RSI studios.

Source: RSI Radiotelevisione Svizzera Italiana